'No Greater Love" - Greater Love has no one than this; to lay down one's life for one's friends. (John 15:13). This Artwork denotes the suffering of Christ on His way to Calvary and then ponder how Christ exhibits each of the qualities of love in His Passion. Love is patient, Love bears all things; whether insults, mockery, scourging, or crowning with thorns. Love endures all things; even death - death on a Cross! Reflecting on this we ask ourselves; "Am I patient in my sufferings, as Christ was?, Am I kind to those who hurt me? Do I rejoice in wrongdoing and vengeance, or do i rejoice in truth and mercy?
Spring Sales!!! (Enjoy 50% off )
Limited edition prints of 20.
Print Sizes:
Small: 40.64cm x 60.96cm (16" x 24")
Medium: 50.80cm x 71.12cm (20" x 28")
Large: 60.96cm x 91.44cm ( 24" x 36")
The printing and delivery process is 100% carbon neutral and packaged with recyclable materials.
Printed on high quality museum paper Hahnemühle German Etching 310 gsm.
This heavyweight paper has a slightly warm base tone and a strong mottled texture. It creates a print with strong colours and deep blacks that feel rich and high in contrast. This is due to the texture of the paper enabling it to hold more ink and capture the light. The German Etching is one of our heavier weight Giclée art printing papers. With its weight and strong texture this paper gives an artwork a handmade crafted feel. Hahnemüle German Etching is a robust Giclée paper, meaning it doesn’t tend to fray as much at the edges.
I saw this as I was scrolling online. It came across my feed. I think this painting is beautiful.
Thank You For Sharing Your Gift And Art. Remain Blessed Prosperous and Always Ambitious.
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